Who says that nobody cares about creative writing pedagogy?

Who says that nobody cares about creative writing pedagogy?

I’m still trying to process the response to my essay in The Millions, and all I can think to say is: holy shit.

Thanks to analytics and Google Alert and trackbacks, I’ve been able to follow much of the unfolding conversation. A dialogue has begun. This makes me happy.

I learned a lot this week. It was sort of like going to AWP without having to go to AWP. It was a standing-room only panel in an enormous hotel ballroom, the inspiring kind of panel that recharges your soul-weary batteries.

What’s clear to me is that many, many people in this world identify as writers, and they’re all working to lead literary lives. Many have experienced some form of creative writing instruction, and thus, they have very strong feelings about pedagogy and creative writing curriculum-even though they might not use those terms to describe those feelings.

How do you change the default setting of the traditional workshop so that big things can be brought class and discussed meaningfully? Twice in the essay, I provide bad examples, how not to do it.

Okay. Very funny. So how DO you do it?

The first draft of my essay described the ways in which I’ve been trying to practice what I preach-in the classroom and in my own writing life-but I cut it. The essay was getting really long. I opted instead to include a link to this blog.

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I will post at least once a week about teaching and writing big things. I will endeavor to make these posts worth your while-and believe me, I know you already have too much to read.

Many creative writing students and teachers responded to my essay by sharing their own experiences and best practices. For the next week or so, I’m going to make frequent posts highlighting those.

I’m calling this series: This Is How You Do It.

Thanks for being here.
