This is How You Do It: Require a Process Blog
I want to get back to my series of posts about how to do it: concrete ideas about how to change the default setting of the creative writing classroom so that Big Things can be brought to the table.
I want to highlight this post from a former student of mine, creative nonfiction writer Amy Whipple. She talks about her experience in my workshop Spring 2010, a semester in which I tried a variety of things to help my students to move from “story” to “book.”
Idea: require students to keep a “process blog.”

- As Amy says:
“We kept a class blog where each of us posted our project proposal and charted our progress and our process. (This alone was great.) And then I got to see how it went over to get fifty pages of a classmate’s work in a classroom setting.”
You can read the rest of her post here. And if you love television the way Amy loves television, then you should follow her blog, too.
Thank you, Amy. I look forward to reading your big thing.
Thank YOU!